I can help you with…

Content creation

Content creation is my specialty. I can produce both high-level thought leadership pieces and low-level technical tutorials (and the code to go along with it). This includes multimedia content such as demo videos, podcasts, and diagrams. Check out my portfolio to get to know my content style.

Content Planning

Unsure of what content themes to focus on? Developer-centric themes are often too niche to show up on conventional SEO tools. I can help you use alternative techniques such as topic modelling, social listening, and text mining on user forums to surface the themes that resonate the most with the types of developer that you want to reach,

DX Copywriting and Design

The user interface is only a small part of DX (Developer Experience). It’s also about error messages, documentation, API design, function naming and a whole lot more. I can help you design the ideal experience for developers.